bigflannel Portfolio

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Your SlideShowPro Director apiKey. Find this labeled 'API Key' under the link 'System Info' at the top right of the page in a self-hosted SSP Director or under 'Account Info' in a hosted SSP Director.

Examples of apiKey include:

$apiKey = 'local-6972a6a61fb7ca21be715gd276f9dc9a'

values: your SSP Director API Key in quotes


The path to your SlideShowPro Director admin site. Find this URL / web address under the link 'System Info' at the top right of the page in a self-hosted SSP Director or under 'Account Info' in a hosted SSP Director.

Examples of apiPath include:

$apiPath = ''
$apiPath = ''

values: your SSP Director API Path in quotes


Whether SlideShowPro Director is hosted at, in which case sspHosted is true, or hosted on your own web host, sspHosted is false.

Examples of sspHosted include:

$sspHosted = true
$sspHosted = false

values: true or false


The default version used to display the Portfolio. If 'flash' bigflannel Portfolio will default to using Flash, as long as version 10 is supported, otherwise it will use HTML5. If 'html5' bigflannel Portfolio will default to using HTML5 unless the visiting browser is IE6 or below, in which case it uses Flash.

Examples of defaultVersion include:

$defaultVersion = 'flash'
$defaultVersion = 'html5'

values: flash or html5 in quotes


Set the Portfolio title indexed by search engines, displayed in a search result as the Portfolio title and displayed at the top of the browser window when arriving at your portfolio.

Examples of pageTitle include:

$pageTitle = 'bigflannel Portfolio Photography Template'
$pageTitle = 'Johnny Appleseed, New York Wedding Photographer'

values: text in quotes


Set the description of the Portfolio indexed by the search engines and displayed in a search result under the Portfolio title.

Examples of pageDescription include:

$pageDescription = 'A template for displaying images and video professionally.'
$pageDescription = 'Environmental portraiture.'

values: text in quotes


Set the keywords of the Portfolio indexed by the search engines.

Examples of pageKeywords include:

$pageKeywords = 'image, video, portfolio'
$pageKeywords = 'image, video, portfolio, still, life, still life, ted, morrison, ted morrison, bigflannel, portfolio'

values: text in quotes



Track use of your Portfolio in Google Analytics by adding your Google Analytics Tracking ID.

Examples of googleAnalytics include:

$googleAnalytics = 'UA-XXXXXX-X'

values: your Google Analytics Tracking ID in quotes


If hasInstagram (below) is true display your Instagram feed upto a max of 20 images.

To get an Instagram ID visit: and click on the large button.

Examples of instagramID include:

$instagramID = 'XXXXXXXXX'

values: your Instagram ID in quotes


If hasInstagram (below) is true display your Instagram feed upto a max of 20 images.

To get an Instagram Access Token visit: and click on the large button.

Examples of instagramAccessToken include:


values: your Instagram Access Token in quotes


If hasVimeo (below) is true display your Vimeo feed.

To get your Vimeo ID visit:

Examples of vimeoID include:

$vimeoID = 'XXXXXXXXX'

values: your Vimeo ID in quotes


SlideShowPro Director has a default gallery 'All Albums'. You may not want to display this. Set hasUwantedGalleries as true and then add the id numbers of the galleries you do NOT want to display to siteUnwantedGalleries. You can find the id number of a gallery by clicking on that gallery in the gallery list in SSP Director, it is listed under 'GALLERY INFORMATION'. Remove the text 'gallery-'.

Examples of hasUnwantedGalleries include:

'hasUnwantedGalleries' => false
'hasUnwantedGalleries' => true

values: true or false


If hasUnwantedGalleries is true, galleries, listed by id number in siteUnwantedGalleries are NOT displayed. siteUnwantedGalleries can also be 'all' (in the Flash version only), if siteUnwantedGalleries = 'all', siteOpening must be set as slideshow (or hasSlideShow must be set to true) and an opening album ID set using siteOpeningAlbumID.

Examples of siteUnwantedGalleries include:

'siteUnwantedGalleries' => '1,2'
'siteUnwantedGalleries' => '57934'
'siteUnwantedGalleries' => 'all'

values: a list of numbers separated by commas in quotes, or 'all' (in the Flash version only)


If you use many galleries in SlideShowPro Director, its better to specify those you want to display rather than those you do not. To include only the galleries you specify, set hasWantedGalleries as true and then add the id numbers of those galleries you do want to display to siteWantedGalleries. You can find the id number of a gallery by clicking on that gallery in the gallery list in SSP Director, it is listed under 'GALLERY INFORMATION'. Remove the text 'gallery-'. Please note, hasUnwantedGalleries and hasWantedGalleries cannot both be true.

Examples of hasWantedGalleries include:

'hasWantedGalleries' => false
'hasWantedGalleries' => true

values: true or false


If hasWantedGalleries is true, galleries, listed by id number in siteWantedGalleries are displayed.

Examples of siteUnwantedGalleries include:

'siteWantedGalleries' => '1,5'
'siteWantedGalleries' => '57934'

values: a list of numbers separated by commas in quotes


Galleries can be listed on the portfolio navigation bar by id (the date they were created) or by title.

Examples of galleryOrder include:

'galleryOrder' => 'byTitle'
'galleryOrder' => 'byID'

values: 'byID' or 'byTitle'


Display your Instagram feed upto a maximum of 20 images. The feed will appear in the Portfolio as a gallery containing a single album. You must also complete instagramID and instagramAccessToken. You can get your Instagram ID and Instagram Access Token at:

Examples of hasInstagram include:

'hasInstagram' => false
'hasInstagram' => true

values: true or false


If hasInstagram is true, hasInstagramCount and instagramCount specify how many images to display from your Instagram feed upto a maximum of 20.

Examples of hasInstagramCount include:

'hasInstagramCount' => true
'hasInstagramCount' => false

values: true or false


If hasInstagramCount is true, instagramCount specifies how many images to display from your Instagram feed upto a maximum of 20.

Examples of instagramCount include:

'instagramCount' => '5'
'instagramCount' => '10'

values: a number between 1 and 20 in quotes


If hasInstagram is true, hasInstagramText and instagramText specify the text of your Instagram feed button.

Examples of hasInstagramText include:

'hasInstagramText' => true
'hasInstagramText' => false

values: true or false


If hasInstagramText is true, instagramText specifies the text of your Instagram feed button.

Examples of instagramText include:

'instagramText' => 'Instagram Feed'
'instagramText' => 'My Instagram'

values: text in quotes


Display your Vimeo feed. The feed will appear in the Portfolio as a gallery containing a single album. You must also complete vimeoID. Get your vimeoID from your Vimeo account settings page:

Examples of hasVimeo include:

'hasVimeo' => false
'hasVimeo' => true

values: true or false


If hasVimeo is true, hasVimeoCount and vimeoCount specify how many videos to display from your Vimeo feed.

Examples of hasVimeoCount include:

'hasVimeoCount' => true
'hasVimeoCount' => false

values: true or false


If hasVimeoCount is true, vimeoCount specifies how many images to display from your Vimeo feed.

Examples of vimeoCount include:

'vimeoCount' => '5'
'vimeoCount' => '10'

values: a whole number (integer) great than 1


If hasVimeo is true, hasVimeoText and vimeoText specify the text of your Vimeo feed button.

Examples of hasVimeoText include:

'hasVimeoText' => true
'hasVimeoText' => false

values: true or false


If hasVimeoText is true, vimeoText specifies the text of your Vimeo feed button.

Examples of vimeoText include:

'vimeoText' => 'Vimeo Feed'
'vimeoText' => 'Motion'

values: text in quotes

adding single Vimeo videos

To display a single Vimeo in one of your albums: upload an image which will act as the thumbnail for the video, then add the tags 'vimeo' and 'id=66372995' to the image. The 'vimeo' tag tells the Portfolio to load a Vimeo video, the 'id=' tag should be completed with the video's ID.

Examples of the tags to add to an image include:


values: the text vimeo and the text id= with a Vimeo video ID appended


If hasSound is set as 'portfolio' the Portfolio plays a track of your choosing. If hasSound is set as 'album' the Portfolio plays album audio set in SlideShowPro Director. When set as 'none' no audio plays.

Examples of hasSound include:

'hasSound' => 'none'
'hasSound' => 'portfolio'
'hasSound' => 'album'

values: 'none', 'portfolio' or 'album'


If hasSound is set as 'portfolio', set soundFile as the url / web address of the audio file to be loaded.

Examples of soundFile:

'soundFile' => 'bigflannel-portfolio-media/audio.mp3'
'soundFile' => 'bigflannel-portfolio-media/sound.mp3'

value: a url / web address in quotes


If hasSound is set as 'portfolio' or 'album', soundVolume sets the volume audio is played at from 1 (max volume) to 0 (no volume).

Examples of soundVolume include:

'soundVolume' => '0.5'
'soundVolume' => '1'

values: a number between 0 and 1 in quotes


If hasImageSizing is set as true, images processed by SlideShowPro Director are loaded by the Portfolio rather than the original image you uploaded to SSP Director.

Examples of hasImageSizing include:

'hasImageSizing' => true
'hasImageSizing' => false

values: true or false


If hasImageSizing is set as true, imageHeight determines the height images are loaded at. If imageHeight is set as default, images 980 pixels high are loaded, if set as screen, images are loaded at the height of the screen in pixels (but are not resized larger than the original), if set as a number, images are loaded at that height in pixels and if set as stepped images are produced at the following dimensions high, rather than every screen size, to prevent the buildup of large image caches in SlideShowPro Director: 500px, 750px, 1000px, 1500px, 2000px, 3000px.

Examples of imageHeight include:

'imageHeight' => 'default'
'imageHeight' => 'screen'
'imageHeight' => '700'
'imageHeight' => 'stepped'

values: default, screen or a number in quotes


If hasImageSizing is set as true, imageCompression sets the level of compression SlideShowPro Director applies to an image. 1 is no compression, 0 is full compression.

Examples of imageCompression include:

'imageCompression' => '0.8'
'imageCompression' => '1'

values: a number between 0 and 1 in quotes


If hasImageSizing is set as true, imageSharpen sets the level of sharpening SlideShowPro Director applies to an image. 0 is no sharpening, 5 is full sharpening.

Examples of imageSharpen include:

'imageSharpen' => '0'
'imageSharpen' => '2'

values: a number between 0 and 5 in quotes


If hasImageSizing and hasImageWatermark are set as true, images are displayed with watermarks set in SlideShowPro Director.

Examples of hasImageWatermark include:

'hasImageWatermark' => true
'hasImageWatermark' => false

values: true or false


If hasAlbumSlideshow is set as true, albums display slideshow navigation (play and pause) when the cursor is over the middle of an image or video on the desktop, tap for the slideshow on mobile.

Examples of hasAlbumSlideshow include:

'hasAlbumSlideshow' => true
'hasAlbumSlideshow' => false

values: true or false


If hasAlbumSlideshow and albumSlideshowAuto are set as true, album slideshows autostart.

Examples of albumSlideshowAuto include:

'albumSlideshowAuto' => true
'albumSlideshowAuto' => false

values: true or false


If hasAlbumSlideshow is set as true, set the slideshow timing in milliseconds using albumSlideshowTime. 1000 milliseconds = 1 second. The default is 6000 milliseconds (6 seconds).

Examples of albumSlideshowTime include:

'albumSlideshowTime' => '10000'
'albumSlideshowTime' => '6000'

values: a number of milliseconds in quotes


If hasAlbumClickthrough is true, album previous and next buttons and album slideshow will cycle through albums and galleries rather than within an album. If hasAlbumClickthrough is false, album previous and next buttons and album slideshow cycle within an album.

Examples of hasAlbumClickthrough include:

'hasAlbumClickthrough' => true
'hasAlbumClickthrough' => false

values: true or false


Currently supported in Flash version only

If hasAlbumNavStyle is set as true, album navigation will be displayed as set by albumNavType.

Examples of hasAlbumNavStyle include:

'hasAlbumNavStyle' => true
'hasAlbumNavStyle' => false

values: true or false


If hasAlbumNavStyle is set as true, album navigation will be displayed as set by albumNavType. Album navigation can be text or graphics and custom text and graphics can additionally be used.

Examples of albumNavType include:

'albumNavType' => 'text'
'albumNavType' => 'graphic'

values: 'text', 'graphic'


Currently supported in Flash version only

If hasCustomAlbumNav is set as true, album navigation text and graphics can be set using the options below.

Examples of hasCustomAlbumNav include:

'hasCustomAlbumNav' => true
'hasCustomAlbumNav' => false

values: true or false

albumPrevText, albumNextText, albumPlayText, albumPauseText

If hasAlbumNavStyle is set as true, albumNavType is set as 'text' and hasCustomAlbumNav is set as true, albumPrevText, albumNextText, albumPlayText and albumPauseText are used to set the text album navigation uses.

Examples of albumPrevText, albumNextText, albumPlayText and albumPauseText include:

'albumPrevText' => 'PREV'
'albumNextText' => 'NEXT'
'albumPlayText' => 'PLAY'
'albumPauseText' => 'PAUSE'

values: text in quotes

albumPrevGraphic, albumNextGraphic, albumPlayGraphic, albumPauseGraphic

If hasAlbumNavStyle is set as true, albumNavType is set as 'graphic' and hasCustomAlbumNav is set as true, albumPrevGraphic, albumNextGraphic, albumPlayGraphic and albumPauseGraphic are used to set the URL of an image album navigation uses.

Examples of albumPrevGraphic, albumNextGraphic, albumPlayGraphic and albumPauseGraphic include:

'albumPrevGraphic' => 'bigflannel-portfolio-media/prev.jpg'
'albumNextGraphic' => 'bigflannel-portfolio-media/next.jpg'
'albumPlayGraphic' => 'bigflannel-portfolio-media/play.jpg'
'albumPauseGraphic' => 'bigflannel-portfolio-media/pause.jpg'

values: a URL in quotes


If hasDoubleVerticals is set as true, all vertical images followed by a vertical image will be paired and displayed at their relative heights. If hasDoubleVerticals is false, all images are displayed on their own.

Examples of hasDoubleVerticals include:

'hasDoubleVerticals' => true
'hasDoubleVerticals' => false

values: true or false

Note: if you want a vertical to be displayed as a single, tag the first image of a vertical pair with the tag 'singleImage' and they will each be displayed as singles.


If hasThumbnailStyle is set as true, album thumbnails will be displayed as set by albumThumbnailStyle. On mobile devices less than 600 pixels on their longest side, thumbnails are not shown on the image page, and the following options determine whether they are shown on the touch-navigation page.

Examples of hasThumbnailStyle include:

'hasThumbnailStyle' => true
'hasThumbnailStyle' => false

values: true or false


If hasThumbnailStyle is set as true, album thumbnails will be displayed as set by albumThumbnailStyle. Thumbnails can be visible (the default), hidden, or you can choose none.

Examples of albumThumbnailStyle include:

'albumThumbnailStyle' => 'visible'
'albumThumbnailStyle' => 'hidden'
'albumThumbnailStyle' => 'none'

values: 'visible', 'hidden' or 'none'


If hasThumbnailSize is set as true, album thumbnails will be displayed in an album page at the pixel height specified by albumThumbnailHeight. If hasThumbnailSize is false, album thumbnails are displayed at 75 pixels high.

Examples of hasThumbnailSize include:

'hasThumbnailSize' => true
'hasThumbnailSize' => false

values: true or false


If hasThumbnailSize is true, album thumbnails will be displayed in an album page at the pixel height specified by albumThumbnailHeight.

Examples of albumThumbnailHeight include:

'albumThumbnailHeight' => '75'
'albumThumbnailHeight' => '100'

values: a number in quotes


Currently supported in Flash version only, HTML5 video always limited

If hasLimitedSizeVideo is set as true, video will be displayed at its original size in pixels or less. If hasLimitedSizeVideo is false, video will expand to fit the space available in the browser within the portfolio layout.

Examples of hasLimitedSizeVideo include:

'hasLimitedSizeVideo' => true
'hasLimitedSizeVideo' => false

values: true or false


Currently supported in Flash version only, HTML5 images always limited

If hasLimitedSizeImage is set as true, images will be displayed at their original size in pixels or less. If hasLimitedSizeImage is false, images will expand to fit the space available in the browser within the portfolio layout.

Examples of hasLimitedSizeImage include:

'hasLimitedSizeImage' => true
'hasLimitedSizeImage' => false

values: true or false


If retinaEnabled is set as true, on a retina device, the Portfolio loads higher resolution images. Note: image load times will be longer for retina devices with this option enabled.

Examples of retinaEnabled include:

'retinaEnabled' => true
'retinaEnabled' => false

values: true or false


If hasCaption is set as true, captions will be displayed if an image has a title or description. In the Flash version, if an image has a link and no title or caption, a caption with a link is displayed, the caption reads Link.

Examples of hasCaption include:

'hasCaption' => true
'hasCaption' => false

values: true or false


If hasCaption is set as true, siteCaptionTime sets how long the caption is displayed for in milliseconds. 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

'siteCaptionTime' => '2000'
'siteCaptionTime' => '5000'

values: a number of milliseconds in quotes


If hasCaption is set as true, siteCaptionDelayTime sets how long the delay is before a caption is displayed in milliseconds. 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

'siteCaptionDelayTime' => '500'
'siteCaptionDelayTime' => '1500'

values: a number of milliseconds in quotes


If hasCaption is set as true, captionGalleryAlbumText sets whether the gallery and album title of the content are added to the caption.

'captionGalleryAlbumText' => true
'captionGalleryAlbumText' => false

values: true or false


If hasCaption is set as true, captionPosition sets where the caption is positioned relative to the image. The options include: tl - top left, bl - bottom left, tr - top right, br - bottom right.

'captionPosition' => 'tl'
'captionPosition' => 'bl'
'captionPosition' => 'tr'
'captionPosition' => 'br'

values: 'tl', 'bl', 'tr', or 'br'.


Supported in Flash version only.

If hasFullscreenButton is set as false the fullscreen button is not displayed.

Examples of hasFullscreenButton include:

'hasFullscreenButton' => true
'hasFullscreenButton' => false

values: true or false


The Portfolio can open to the first album in the first gallery (default), a slideshow of any active album in SlideShowPro Director, or an included album or gallery. An album ID must be set if siteOpening is set as slideshow, an album and gallery ID if siteOpening is set as album or gallery. If the Portfolio is set to display one gallery, with only one album in it, and siteOpening is set as album, gallery navigation is not displayed.

Examples of siteOpening include:

'siteOpening' => 'default'
'siteOpening' => 'slideshow'
'siteOpening' => 'album'
'siteOpening' => 'gallery'

values: 'default', 'slideshow', 'album', 'gallery'


If siteOpening is set as album or gallery, you must set the gallery the album is included in, or the gallery to be open too, using it's id number. You can find the id number of a gallery by clicking on that gallery in the gallery list in SlideShowPro Director, it is listed under 'GALLERY INFORMATION'. Remove the text 'gallery-'.

Examples of siteOpeningGalleryID include:

'siteOpeningGalleryID' => '5'
'siteOpeningGalleryID' => '76'

values: a number in quotes


If siteOpening is set as slideshow or album, you must set which album using it's id number. The album must be active for the Portfolio to open as a slideshow and in an included gallery to open too an album. You can find the id number of an album by clicking on that album in the album list in SlideShowPro Director, it is listed under 'ALBUM INFORMATION'. Remove the text 'album-'.

Examples of siteOpeningAlbumID include:

'siteOpeningAlbumID' => '5'
'siteOpeningAlbumID' => '76'

values: a number in quotes


If siteOpening is set as slideshow, slideshowTime is the slideshow interval in milliseconds. 1000 milliseconds = 1 second. The default is 6000 milliseconds (6 seconds).

'slideshowTime' => '2000'
'slideshowTime' => '5000'

values: a number of milliseconds in quotes


If siteOpening is set as slideshow, set the slideshow style to be full window bleed (default) or bordered. In a full window bleed slideshow all images are placed such that they are larger then the window on the shortest side. In a bordered slideshow, the image is placed within the viewing panel with a border.

Examples of slideshowType include:

'slideshowType' => 'bleed'
'slideshowType' => 'bordered'

values: the text 'bleed' or 'bordered'


If siteOpening is set as slideshow, set the slideshow order using slideshowOrder. Regular is the order set in SlideShowPro Director, random is a random order.

Examples of slideshowOrder include:

'slideshowOrder' => 'ssp'
'slideshowOrder' => 'random'

values: the text 'ssp' or 'random'


If hasAbout is set as true, the portfolio has an About button next to your title or logo, or on the touch navigation panel on mobile. If hasAbout is false, it does not. The About page displays an SlideShowPro Director user's photo (at 150px by 150px), Display name (or First and Last name), About me text and as many as 3 Elsewhere links. Specify which user's information to display using siteAboutUserID.

Examples of hasAbout include:

'hasAbout' => true
'hasAbout' => false

values: true or false


If hasAbout is true, siteAboutUserID defines which user's, by id number, information is displayed. A user's id number is found by clicking on that user in the user's list in SlideShowPro Director. It is the number after the last slash in the URL / web address you land on. The web address you land on will have this form: The user id in this case is '1'.

Examples of siteAboutUserID include:

'siteAboutUserID' => '1'
'siteAboutUserID' => '6'

values: a number in quotes


If hasAboutText is set as true, and hasAbout is true, the text of the portfolio About button next to your title or logo is set by siteAboutText. If hasAbout is false, and hasAbout is true, the text of the portfolio About button next to your title or logo is 'About'.

Examples of hasAboutText include:

'hasAboutText' => true
'hasAboutText' => false

values: true or false


If hasAboutText is set as true, and hasAbout is true, the text of the portfolio About button next to your title or logo is set by siteAboutText.

Examples of siteAboutText include:

'siteAboutText' => 'Contact'
'siteAboutText' => 'Information'

values: text in quotes


If hasNewWindowLinks is set as true, all Portfolio external links open in a new window (hasLink, blog, social media and about page links).

Examples of hasNewWindowLinks include:

'hasNewWindowLinks' => true
'hasNewWindowLinks' => false

values: true or false


If hasLink is set as true, the portfolio has a link or button next to your title or logo, or on the touch navigation panel on mobile. The text of the link or button is set using siteLinkText and the URL of the link is set using siteLinkAddress. If siteLinkAddress is omitted, or is set as '', only the text is displayed, there is no button.

Examples of hasLink include:

'hasLink' => true
'hasLink' => false

values: true or false


If hasLink is true, the text of the link is set using siteLinkText.

Examples of siteLinkText include:

'siteLinkText' => 'Website'
'siteLinkText' => 'More Information'

values: text in quotes


If hasLink is true, the URL of the link is set using siteLinkAddress, if siteLinkAddress is omitted or is set as '', no button is added.

Examples of siteLinkAddress include:

'siteLinkAddress' => ''
'siteLinkAddress' => ''

values: a url / web address, email link, or other in quotes

siteLink2Text, siteLink2Address, siteLink3Text, siteLink3Address

Another two links, or items of text, can be displayed using siteLink2Text, siteLink2Address, siteLink3Text and siteLink3Address


If hasBlog is set as true, the portfolio has a Blog button next to your title or logo, or on the touch navigation panel on mobile. If hasBlog is false, it does not. Specify the URL / web address of your blog using siteBlogAddress.

Examples of hasBlog include:

'hasBlog' => true
'hasBlog' => false

values: true or false


If hasBlog is true, set the URL / web address the blog button links too using siteBlogAddress.

Examples of siteBlogAddress include:

'siteBlogAddress' => ''
'siteBlogAddress' => ''

value: a url / web address in quotes


If hasTwitter is set as true, the portfolio has a Twitter button next to your title or logo, or on the touch navigation panel on mobile. If hasTwitter is false, it does not. Specify the URL / web address of your Twitter account using siteTwitterAddress.

Examples of hasTwitter include:

'hasTwitter => true
'hasTwitter' => false

values: true or false


If hasTwitter is true, set the URL / web address the Twitter button links too using siteTwitterAddress.

Examples of siteTwitterAddress include:

'siteTwitterAddress' => ''
'siteTwitterAddress' => ''

value: a url / web address in quotes


If hasFacebook is set as true, the portfolio has a Facebook button next to your title or logo, or on the touch navigation panel on mobile. If hasFacebook is false, it does not. Specify the URL / web address of your Facebook account using siteFacebookAddress.

Examples of hasFacebook include:

'hasFacebook' => true
'hasFacebook' => false

values: true or false


If hasFacebook is true, set the URL / web address the Facebook button links too using siteFacebookAddress.

Examples of siteFacebookAddress include:

'siteFacebookAddress' => ''
'siteFacebookAddress' => ''

value: a url / web address in quotes


If hasGooglePlus is set as true, the portfolio has a Google Plus button next to your title or logo, or on the touch navigation panel on mobile. If hasGooglePlus is false, it does not. Specify the URL / web address of your Google Plus account using siteGooglePlusAddress.

Examples of hasGooglePlus include:

'hasGooglePlus' => true
'hasGooglePlus => false

values: true or false


If hasGooglePlus is true, set the URL / web address the Google Plus button links too using siteGooglePlusAddress.

Examples of siteGooglePlusAddress include:

'siteGooglePlusAddress' => ''
'siteGooglePlusAddress' => ''

value: a url / web address in quotes


If hasSiteName is set as true, the text defined in siteName is displayed at the top left of the portfolio in the header bar.

Examples of hasSiteName include:

'hasSiteName' => true
'hasSiteName' => false

values: true or false


If hasSiteName is true, set the text you want to use with siteName.

Examples of siteName include:

'siteName' => 'Ted Morrison'
'siteName' => 'Lifestyle Galleries'

values: text in quotes


If hasSiteLogo is set as true, the file defined in siteLogo is displayed in the center of the portfolio as it opens and then fades. It is permanently displayed at the top left of the portfolio subsequently if hasSiteName is set as false.

Examples of hasSiteLogo include:

'hasSiteLogo' => true
'hasSiteLogo' => false

values: true or false


If hasSiteLogo is true, set siteLogo as the url / web address of the file to be loaded.

Examples of siteLogo include:

'siteLogo' => ''
'siteLogo' => ''

value: a url / web address in quotes


If hasSiteLogo is set as true, siteLogoConstrained determines whether the file loaded is resized relative to the screen size, or placed and centered without resizing

Examples of siteLogoConstrained include:

'siteLogoConstrained' => true
'siteLogoConstrained' => false

values: true or false


If hasSiteLogoTime is set as true, and hasSiteLogo is true, the logo will be maintained on screen when opening the site for a period equalling logoTimeOnScreen. logoTimeOnScreen is the number of milliseconds the logo will be kept on screen. 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

Examples of hasSiteLogoTime include:

'hasSiteLogoTime' => true
'hasSiteLogoTime' => false

values: true or false


If hasSiteLogoTime is true, set logoTimeOnScreen to be the number of milliseconds you want the logo kept on screen. 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

Examples of logoTimeOnScreen include:

'logoTimeOnScreen' => '500'
'logoTimeOnScreen' => '1000'

value: a number greater than 0


If hasNavBarLogo is set as true, the file defined in navBarLogo is displayed at the top left of the portfolio in the navigation bar if hasSiteName is set as false.

Examples of hasNavBarLogo include:

'hasNavBarLogo' => true
'hasNavBarLogo' => false

values: true or false


If hasNavBarLogo is true, set navBarLogo as the url / web address of the file to be loaded.

Examples of navBarLogo include:

'navBarLogo' => 'assets/nav-bar-logo.png'
'navBarLogo' => ''

value: a url / web address in quotes


If hasFadeRate is set as true fadeRate sets the rate at which the opening slideshow crossfades, album thumbnails in the gallery menu fade up, album images fade up, album thumbnail images fade up and captions fade up and down.

Examples of hasFadeRate include:

'hasFadeRate' => true
'hasFadeRate' => false

values: true or false


Sets the rate of fade. 1 is instant. 0 does not fade. .1 is the default.

Examples of fadeRate include:

'fadeRate' => '.1'
'fadeRate' => '.05'

value: a number between 1 and 0 in quotes


Set whether your portfolio has a black, white or custom background using siteColor. If siteColor is set as 'custom' use the following options to set the portfolio's colors.

Examples of siteColor include:

'siteColor' => 'dark'
'siteColor' => 'light'
'siteColor' => 'custom'

values: 'dark', 'light' or 'custom'


Background color of the website, the about panel and the gallery menu.

Examples of siteCanvasColor include:

'siteCanvasColor' => '090909'
'siteCanvasColor' => 'F9F9F9'

values: a hexadecimal color reference in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 090909
light = F9F9F9


Background alpha of the website.

Examples of siteCanvasAlpha include:

'siteCanvasAlpha' => '1'
'siteCanvasAlpha' => '0'

values: a number between 1 (opaque) and 0 (transparent) in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 1
light = 1


Color of the gallery menu album panel background. Color of the image caption background. Color of the navigation bar background.

Examples of siteBackgroundColor include:

'siteBackgroundColor' => '000000'
'siteBackgroundColor' => 'FFFFFF'

values: a hexadecimal color reference in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 000000
light = FFFFFF


Alpha of the gallery menu background. Alpha of the image caption background. Alpha of the about page background. Alpha of the navigation bar background.

Examples of siteBackgroundAlpha include:

'siteBackgroundAlpha' => '.85'
'siteBackgroundAlpha' => '.95'

values: a number between 1 and 0 in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = .85
light = .95


Color of the next and prev cursor background in an album. Color of hidden thumbnails icon in an album. Color of the album thumbnails navigation background. Color of the gallery menu navigation background. Color of the line at the base of the navigation bar. Color of the navigation bar button backgrounds (Twitter, Facebook, Google +).

Examples of siteBackgroundShadeColor include:

'siteBackgroundShadeColor' => '333333'
'siteBackgroundShadeColor' => 'CCCCCC'

values: a hexadecimal color reference in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 3333333
light = CCCCCC


Color of album thumbnail navigation arrow without rollover. Color of fullscreen button without rollover. Color of gallery button text without rollover. Color of the gallery menu navigation arrow without rollover. Color of the about page close button x without rollover. Color of the about page links without rollover. Color of the navigation bar button text without rollover. Color of the site error message text. Color of the image caption section and description text. Color of the video buffering icon text.

Examples of siteUpColor include:

'siteUpColor' => '999999'
'siteUpColor' => '666666'

values: a hexadecimal color reference in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 999999
light = 000000


Color of the gallery menu album thumbnail underscore. Color of album thumbnail navigation arrow with rollover. Color of fullscreen button with rollover. Color of gallery button text with rollover. Color of the gallery menu navigation arrow with rollover. Color of the about page close button x with rollover. Color of the about page links with rollover. Color of the navigation bar button text with rollover. Color of the album navigation cursor text.

Examples of siteDownColor include:

'siteDownColor' => 'FFFFFF'
'siteDownColor' => '000000'

values: a hexadecimal color reference in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = FFFFFF
light = 999999


Color of the site title on the navigation bar if in text and not a graphic. Color of the site title on the about page. Color of the site description on the about page. Color of the image caption title text. Color of the chosen gallery navigation bar text when a gallery menu is open. Color of the navigation bar button text on click.

Examples of siteSetColor include:

'siteSetColor' => 'CCCCCC'
'siteSetColor' => '333333'

values: a hexadecimal color reference in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = CCCCCC
light = CCCCCC


Color of the album description text in the album panel in the gallery menu.

Examples of siteTextColor include:

'siteTextColor' => '666666'
'siteTextColor' => '999999'

values: a hexadecimal color reference in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 666666
light = 999999


The color of the loading bar and error message title.

Examples of siteSpotColor include:

'siteSpotColor' => '1F829A'

values: a hexadecimal color reference in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 1F829A
light = 1F829A


Supported in Flash version only.

Includes error message title; album title in gallery menu; image caption title; site title, description and link text on about page; and site title on navigation bar. Fonts 18pt and up. Only applies to the default portfolio font, Ratio, and not to fonts specified by hasFontName.

Examples of siteLargeTextThickness include:

'siteLargeTextThickness' => '200'
'siteLargeTextThickness' => '-100'

values: an integer number between 200 and -200 in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 100
light = 50


Supported in Flash version only.

Includes error message title; album title in gallery menu; image caption title; site title, description and link text on about page; and site title on navigation bar. Fonts 18pt and up. Only applies to the default portfolio font, Ratio, and not to fonts specified by hasFontName.

Examples of siteLargeTextSharpness include:

'siteLargeTextSharpness' => '0'
'siteLargeTextSharpness' => '-100'

values: an integer number between 400 and -400 in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 0
light = 0


Supported in Flash version only.

Includes error message description; album navigation cursor text; gallery button text navigation bar; album description in gallery menu; image caption section and description; all navigation bar button text. Only applies to the default portfolio font, Ratio, and not to fonts specified by hasFontName.

Examples of siteSmallTextThickness include:

'siteSmallTextThickness' => '200'
'siteSmallTextThickness' => '100'

values: an integer number between 200 and -200 in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 200
light = 100


Supported in Flash version only.

Includes error message description; album navigation cursor text; gallery button text navigation bar; album description in gallery menu; image caption section and description; all navigation bar button text. Only applies to the default portfolio font, Ratio, and not to fonts specified by hasFontName.

Examples of siteSmallTextSharpness include:

'siteSmallTextSharpness' => '200'
'siteSmallTextSharpness' => '100'

values: an integer number between 400 and -400 in quotes

The dark and light settings are:

dark = 0
light = 0


If hasSpotColor is set as true siteSpotColor defines the color of the loading bar.

hasSpotColor: true
hasSpotColor: false

values: true or false


Set the loading bar color using a hexadecimal color reference.

Examples of siteSpotColor include:

'siteSpotColor' => '1F829A'
'siteSpotColor' => 'CFE71A'

values: a hexadecimal color reference in quotes


If hasTypekit is set as true the HTML5 version of the Portfolio will load Tyepkit fonts based on the ID supplied. IMPORTANT NOTE: if you would like to use Ratio Display in your HTML5 Portfolio, please email the domain name(s) you will be using it at to so they can be authorized and a valid Typekit key be sent to you by return. The Tyepkit embed of the font Ratio Display is included as part of the annual subscription.

Examples of hasTypekit include:

'hasTypekit' => true
'hasTypekit' => false

values: true or false


Set the Typekit ID here.

Examples of typekitID include:

'typekitID' => 'ihy4sak'

values: the ID supplied by Typekit in quotes


If hasFontName is set as true siteFontName defines the font name the portfolio will attempt to use. To take advantage of Ratio Display in both Flash and HTML5, use the default conf.php settings. Ratio Display is licensed by bigflannel for the Flash version of the portfolio and the HTML5 version includes a Tyepkit embed of the font as part of the annual subscription. The Flash defaults _sans and _serif will work on all machines, if you choose to use a different font, it will only display if that font exists on the user's device. You can add multiple font names, but Flash will only reference the first named font before defaulting.

Examples of hasFontName include:

'hasFontName' => true
'hasFontName' => false

values: true or false


Set which font the portfolio will attempt to use.

Examples of siteFontName include:

'siteFontName' => '_sans'
'siteFontName' => '_serif'
'siteFontName' => 'Verdana'

values: a font name (_sans and _serif are the Flash defaults) in quotes

Multiple font name examples:

'siteFontName' => 'ratio-display, helvetica, verdana, sans'

Flash version uses Ratio Display, HTML5 version uses Ratio Display if user has it on their device, or if you use a font service like Typekit, if not, it uses Helvetica then Verdana if they exist and the default sans if not.


If hasOpacitySettings is set as true, the values defined in albumPreviewAlpha, albumPreviewRolloverAlpha, albumThumbnailAlpha and albumThumbnailRolloverAlpha are used as the transparency settings on thumbnails used in the portfolio gallery menu and when an album is being displayed.

Examples of hasOpacitySettings include:

'hasOpacitySettings' => true
'hasOpacitySettings' => false

values: true or false


Set thumbnail transparency when displayed in a gallery menu.

Examples of albumPreviewAlpha include:

'albumPreviewAlpha' => '1'
'albumPreviewAlpha' => '.5'

values: a number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque) in quotes


Set thumbnail transparency on rollover when displayed in a gallery menu.

Examples of albumPreviewRolloverAlpha include:

'albumPreviewRolloverAlpha' => '.5'
'albumPreviewRolloverAlpha' => '1'

values: a number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque) in quotes


Set thumbnail transparency when displayed in an album.

Examples of albumThumbnailAlpha include:

'albumThumbnailAlpha' => '1'
'albumThumbnailAlpha' => '.5'

values: a number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque) in quotes


Set thumbnail transparency on rollover when displayed in an album.

Examples of albumThumbnailRolloverAlpha include:

'albumThumbnailRolloverAlpha' => '.5'
'albumThumbnailRolloverAlpha' => '1'

values: a number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque) in quotes


Set whether the portfolio fills the browser window or is rendered as an element on the page. If sitePlacement is set as element and hasElementSize is true, set the size of the element using elementWidth and elementHeight or by defining a width and height for div #website using CSS or javascript. If sitePlacement is set as element and hasElementSize is false, specify an aspectRatio and the element will fill the width available with height set by aspectRatio. With hasElementSize set as false, the element is responsive.

Examples of sitePlacement include:

'sitePlacement' => 'window'
'sitePlacement' => 'element'

values: window or element


If sitePlacement is set as element, you can set the element's size using hasElementSize, elementWidth and elementHeight.

Examples of hasElementSize include:

'hasElementSize' => true
'hasElementSize' => false

values: true or false


If sitePlacement is set as element, and hasElementSize is set as true, set the element's width using elementWidth.

Examples of elementWidth include:

'elementWidth' => '600'
'elementWidth' => '400'

values: a number of pixels


If sitePlacement is set as element, and hasElementSize is set as true, set the element's width using elementHeight.

Examples of elementHeight include:

'elementHeight' => '600'
'elementHeight' => '400'

values: a number of pixels


If sitePlacement is set as element, and hasElementSize is set as false, the element will fill the available width and it's height is set using aspectRatio. aspectRatio = elementWidth / elementHeight.

Examples of aspectRatio include:

'aspectRatio' => '1.778'
'aspectRatio' => '1.333'

values: a number


To use bigflannel Portfolio as a page element in a dynamic site, place the element where you need it on a PHP page. To do this, paste the code in the document attached to this post (element.php) into your PHP page where needed. Decide on a static folder where you will place the folder bigflannel-portfolio and then edit the code you paste into your publishing system above, inserting the path to the static folder. NOTE: $pathToPortfolio is in the code you add to your pages not to conf.php.

Examples of $pathToPortfolio include:

$pathToPortfolio = '/portfolio/bigflannel/';
$pathToPortfolio = '/portfolio/';

values: a path to a folder in quotes, starting and ending with a forward slash only